26 November 2010

A Flickr-Illustrated Thanksgiving

Ok, I'm not American. I know. Blog title makes it pretty obvious. But I do like the 'giving thanks' idea and there are plenty of things I am thankful for - I'm a very lucky girl, all considered.

So, besides all the many other things that are wonderful, my Flickr gallery makes me thankful for...

Red Breast
Ours has just returned to our garden. He makes the bird feeders more cheerful.

Little girls and ponies.
They make the world go round.

My boyfriend.
He's lovely. And good to me. And plays snooker.

I can't play snooker. At all.

Little Duck
Everyone loves ducks.

Especially crispy ones wrapped in little pancakes and smothered in hoisin sauce...

Sorry that was uncalled for. Apologies to delicious aromatic ducks.

Teddy bears!
No, sorry, that's a cow. Hard to tell. They're cooler than teddy bears anyway.

Not that I'd rather someone give me a cow for Christmas than a teddy bear. Not sure the cat would appreciate the company.

Speaking of, I am also thankful for my cat.
My cat is called Domino. He believes you should be fetching toys for him, that the bottom end of the sofa is his domain and that he's entitled to multiple dinners if people arrive home at different times.

He left white hair all over my clothes tonight.

Lastly, I am thankful for lint brushes.

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